this is probably dumb question, but after checking a lot of projects I'm still confused. I wanna make LED strip project controlled by ESP32. I wanna use:
- ESP32
- 5m WS2812B leds (30leds / m, 150 leds in total, 45W)
- external power suply (5W, 10A)
- 330k ohm resistor
- 4700uF - 1000uF wasn't on stock when I placed order, but I think this one should be ok (neopixel recommends it)
I wanna use only external power suply. My concern is how to connect it. LED strip has soldered 5 wires, three in conector + two lose power wires. In projects I checked, I see two methods. I sketched two diagrams to show what I have on mind. Please note that this LM35 is only for representation of LED strip, I couldn't find proper graphic in fritzing.
- TOP - connect ESP32 and LEDs directly from power suply, two extra LED power wires will be not used
- BOTTOM - use extra LED power wires, connect them to power suply, use LED connector to power up ESP and get data from it
Which way is correct, are some up/downsides of those methods?