Im new to this with Arduino... But im trying to make a CameraStand that follow a mobilePhone.
The program works as follow...
On the mobile i have a GPS program sending the position of the Phone.
Then the Arduino get the position from the Phone over the wifi.
The first position is the place were the camera stand is... then i calculate the heading from this position to the new position of the phone....
This Works!!!
Now i like to add a Servormotor (only 180 deg) to point at the heading... (i will get a step motor if i get everything to work)..
But the servomotor moves randomly each time the ESP8266-01 is sending/resiving .....
i have printed the signal of Output from Dig9 (used for the servo) and it jumps random from 1 to 0...
(when using the servo single on the dig9 it works fine.... it is when i using the ESP8266-01 together with servo)
I guess there is some problem with the power to the Arduino....
I have my USB cable in the Arduino and i have added a 9V source to the card... it dont help.
Can someone please help me =)) Thanks!!!
WiFi_Iphone_gps_servo_forum - Copy.txt (4.25 KB)