esp8266-01 modules in network+website


I have a couple of these esp8266, I would like to ask if it is possible to make a setup like this:

1 webserver - there could serve a webpage, with information from the other modules.

As I have it right now - every module got it's own webpage.

I do not know if it is that you call a mesh network or I could use something like a tunnel where all the modules send information to like a master "SERVER" there serve only one webpage for all my modules.

I have search for tcp & udp or it could be http request.

Let's say I got 3 modules, the first one serve the webpage and the other 2 send temperature or pin status on/off to the master. main page

i am not sure how I should be at the end...that why I got this trinkled question.

Please if you reply to this question, do care about I am not technical as you properbly are. So please be so simple as possible.

I just like to be on this playground... All the examples in the Arduino ide (esp8266 examples), are very complicated to figuring out, what they are doing.

A simple and quick approach might be to put two iframes in the main page which will display the data from the two separate modules.

Thanks for your reply, I'll give it a try.