ESP8266 always reconnects/disconnects on USB

Hi There,
I am doing some programming practice on NodeMCU during Holidays. I use Arduino IDE and always run Into the same trouble:

When I connect my NodeMCU Board via USB to my Computer, the device seems to disconnect/ reconnect via USB all the Time. The Computer Plays the device connect/ disconnect Sound in an endless loop :confused:
When I press the RESET Button, i looks like the same.
If the board wasn't connected a few days before, it works in most Cases for some time, but after at least 10 Minutes or after a few Software Downloads, the Problem occurs, too.

In another Thread I read about this Problem but in this Case, drawing too much current from USB was the Problem. I do only have the Single board connected without any peripherals connected, in this Case i dont think that its a Problem damit drawing too much current.

Did some of you already have a similar Case or a hint what the Problem could be?
Every hint is appreciated:)

Best regards,

You probably have a Windows problem. Can you replicate the problem with another Arduino board? Can you replicate the problem on another PC?

It might be a weak USB port or a crappy cable with too high a resistance.

Try another cable / computer.

// Per.

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Hi, thanks for your hint!
The Problem is reproducable with my second node mcu Board on the same machine. When using my other classic arduino boards on this PC i never recognized the Problem.

I never tried to use another pc or cable yet, I will Check when i come Home again, in around one week :slight_smile: and Report the results back to you

Let me guess: If you program a simple blink sketch on the ESP (and don't activate WiFi) then it works fine, yes?

That's because the WiFi uses a lot of power. Much more than a standard Arduino.

// Per.

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Hi there,

I tried to do a simple Blink-Program - and well, it works nice!

I didnยดt knew WIFI drew such a lot of power :o

But then the problem is clearly a power issue. I will use a separate power source in the future during developing WIFI based apps on ESP :wink:

Thank you all for your kind support

You don't need to have a seperate power supply.

My best guess is that the USB cable you have is crap.

Try replacing it.

All my ESP-projects are debugged with the ESP just supplied from my computers. Never had a power-problem with them.

I bought proper USB-cables though. Cheap ones get binned, they are a waste of time.

// Per.

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Hi, thanks for your hint,

I will try another cables. The one I had was a very cheap one I found somewhere in my electronics bin :wink:

Thanks a lot for you support :slight_smile:

Best regards,