ESP8266 and FTP

I have an esp8266 that detects flashes of light(neon lamp on electric meter) and counts the number per minute.
I want to write the data to a website file.
Using FTP, I presume I need to write this data to a file on the processor first then use ftp to write to the website or is it possible to write the data directly to the website?
Does the ESP8266 'flash chip' for data storage have a limit to the number of times it can be reused?
I'd appreciate any advice on this.

As I remember flash has a limit but it's higher then EEPROMs. Say some thousand times.

esp8266's have external flash memory , it can be many sizes and brands
w25q32bv are not uncommon and are good for 100000 write/erase cycles.

you need to define how much do you need to store how often
and how important is it.
the esp has loads of ram , it would not be unreasonable to have an array of 32k bytes in ram, you would of course lose all of it on a reset.
you could also save it in a littlefs partition.
if its particularly volatile get an fram chip
with the correct strategy flash wear and ftp requirements can minimalized

Thanks for that info.
The amount of data generated is very small, a single string (about 12 char) every minute.
I'll try using littlefs but empty the file every minute after ftp transfer to my website.

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