Hello, super-friends!
I'm encountering a problem when trying to send single bytes from my esp 8266 to arduino over hardware or software serial.
The project is as follows : a webserver hosted on my esp retrieves data from the user (numerical values 0-255), converts to byte then sends over serial to arduino, which is meant to receive the data and adjust parameters on some programming for LEDs accordingly.
what happens: everything on the esp appears to work correctly, the output received through the serial monitor displays what it is supposed to display. however.....
once i try to send the data to my arduino, i hit problems.
The arduino will display two bytes received through serial, however the bytes received are almost always "255" or a random number between 100 and 255. If i set Serial.availiable()>1 to >0, it will display "255" ad infinitum
simple Arduino recieve code:
void setup()
Serial.println("arduino online");
void loop()
Serial.println("serial not yet recieved");
Serial.println("serial recieved");
byte b1=Serial.read();
byte b2=Serial.read();
ESP code (pardon all the commented out print statements and using brightness through all the message handling, quite experimental code)
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
String form = // String form to sent to the client-browser
"<h1>Sorry for the inconvenience, but you may only update one value at a time </h1>"
"<form action='msg1'><p> brightness (0-255) <input type='text' name='msg1' size=50 autofocus> <input type='submit' value='Submit'></form>"
"<form action='msg2'><p> red max (0-255) <input type='text' name='msg2' size=50 autofocus> <input type='submit' value='Submit'></form>"
"<form action='msg3'><p> green max (0-255) <input type='text' name='msg3' size=50 autofocus> <input type='submit' value='Submit'></form>"
"<form action='msg4'><p> blue max (0-255) <input type='text' name='msg4' size=50 autofocus> <input type='submit' value='Submit'></form>"
"<form action='msg5'><p> red min (0-255) <input type='text' name='msg5' size=50 autofocus> <input type='submit' value='Submit'></form>"
"<form action='msg6'><p> green min (0-255) <input type='text' name='msg6' size=50 autofocus> <input type='submit' value='Submit'></form>"
"<form action='msg7'><p> blue min (0-255) <input type='text' name='msg7' size=50 autofocus> <input type='submit' value='Submit'></form>"
"<form action='msg8'><p> Iteration Delay(milliseconds)<input type='text' name='msg8' size=50 autofocus> <input type='submit' value='Submit'></form>"
ESP8266WebServer server(80); //initiate webserver via esp8266webserver.h
#define PWORD "1234567890"
int brightness = 255;
int rMax = 255;
int bMax = 255;
int gMax = 255;
int bMin = 255;
int rMin = 255;
int gMin = 255;
void setup() {
//Serial.print(" Welcome to LED Control ");
//Serial.print("Configuring AP");
IPAddress ip(1,2,3,4);
IPAddress gateway(1,2,3,1);
IPAddress subnet(255,255,255,0);
WiFi.softAPConfig(ip, gateway, subnet);
//start the accesspoint
//Serial.print("AP Configured");
// Set up the endpoints for HTTP server, Endpoints can be written as inline functions:
//Serial.print("Configuring server");
server.on("/", []()
server.send(200, "text/html", form);
server.on("/msg1", handle_msg1); // And as regular external functions:
server.on("/msg2", handle_msg2);
server.on("/msg3", handle_msg3);
server.on("/msg4", handle_msg4);
server.on("/msg5", handle_msg5);
server.on("/msg6", handle_msg6);
server.on("/msg7", handle_msg7);
server.on("/msg8", handle_msg8);
server.begin(); // Start the server
//Serial.print("server configured & started");
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
void handle_msg1() {
server.send(200, "text/html", form); // Send same page so they can send another msg
String msg = server.arg("msg1");
brightness = msg.toInt();
Serial.write( byte(1)); //writes the form number being submitted
Serial.write( byte(brightness));
void handle_msg2() {
server.send(200, "text/html", form); // Send same page so they can send another msg
String msg = server.arg("msg2");
brightness = msg.toInt();
Serial.write(byte(2)); //writes the form number being submitted
Serial.write( byte(brightness));
void handle_msg3() {
server.send(200, "text/html", form); // Send same page so they can send another msg
String msg = server.arg("msg3");
brightness = msg.toInt();
Serial.write(byte(3)); //writes the form number being submitted
Serial.write( byte(brightness));
void handle_msg4() {
server.send(200, "text/html", form); // Send same page so they can send another msg
String msg = server.arg("msg4");
brightness = msg.toInt();
Serial.write(byte(4)); //writes the form number being submitted
Serial.write( byte(brightness));
void handle_msg5() {
server.send(200, "text/html", form); // Send same page so they can send another msg
String msg = server.arg("msg5");
brightness = msg.toInt();
Serial.write(byte(5)); //writes the form number being submitted
Serial.write( byte(brightness));
void handle_msg6() {
server.send(200, "text/html", form); // Send same page so they can send another msg
String msg = server.arg("msg6");
brightness = msg.toInt();
Serial.write(byte(6)); //writes the form number being submitted
Serial.write( byte(brightness));
void handle_msg7() {
server.send(200, "text/html", form); // Send same page so they can send another msg
String msg = server.arg("msg7");
brightness = msg.toInt();
Serial.write(byte(7)); //writes the form number being submitted
Serial.write( byte(brightness));
void handle_msg8() {
server.send(200, "text/html", form); // Send same page so they can send another msg
String msg = server.arg("msg8");
brightness = msg.toInt();
Serial.write(byte(8)); //writes the form number being submitted
Serial.write( byte(brightness));
I'm excluding my wiring diagram, as that appears to not be the issue. i will note that the esp tx is directly connected to the arduino rx, as my understanding is that i don't need a logic-level shift in this direction.