Thanks for your feedback and for linking the video which is of very good quality. It looks like you are able to use the tool Telephone Caller ID AFSK Generator very fluently.
That caller ID system is, incidentally, in daily use here at home and I haven't touched the code for over 2 years.
congrats looks great to me
Nice project, if you have time you could take a look at the following discussion, it would be very useful to have your opinion on it: Intercept modem calls - #10 by J-M-L
Telephone Caller ID AFSK Generator
I've modified the html to display day month and year and refresh to keep it displaying. Alas, new users can't upload files. Using it on a Discovery Channel Olympia globe.
I see what you have interfaced it to. Ingenious!:
Yes. You could certainly generate your own messages with that AFSK Generator.
That certainly deserves its own topic in the forum's exhibition gallery just as soon as you have acquired sufficient forum points to be able to contribute.
Thanks, I could possibly just post the areas that I've modified but that would be difficult to document and use. It's been a while since I did it. Moving it to a different pc and having issues so that is what has my interest in it again.
Yes, post the whole thing here together with the code and a description when it has stabilised. Someone else may find it useful or interesting: Exhibition / Gallery - Arduino Forum
strong text Caller ID MOD TO SHOW DDD MMM DD YYYYY
Couldn't upload but saw to cut and paste it. Hope it works, reply here if it doesn't. Also if there is any improvements that would make it better let me know. Thanks.
Add: working on window XP machine, issues on windows 10 and 98. It can generate the audio on windows 10 and I'm thinking it may be an issue of timing between developing the signal and the frequency of sending it. The signal has to be repeated to keep it displaying. My globe doesn't always want to accept the signal. I created this on windows 7 pc which is dead now. Win 98, three errors.
You do not know my inlaws.