WiFiWebServer.ino:180: undefined reference to `strtoul'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
line 180 is:
if (ch != -1)
here is a pieace of relevamt code:
bool readPOSTparam(char *name, int nameLen, char *value, int valueLen)
// assume name is at current place in stream
int ch;
// clear out name and value so they'll be NUL terminated
memset(name, 0, nameLen);
memset(value, 0, valueLen);
// decrement length so we don't write into NUL terminator
while ((ch = read()) != -1)
if (ch == '+')
ch = ' ';
else if (ch == '=')
/* that's end of name, so switch to storing in value */
nameLen = 0;
else if (ch == '&')
/* that's end of pair, go away */
return true;
else if (ch == '%')
/* handle URL encoded characters by converting back to original form */
int ch1 = read();
int ch2 = read();
if (ch1 == -1 || ch2 == -1)
return false;
char hex[3] = { (char)ch1, (char)ch2, 0 };
ch = strtoul(hex, NULL, 16);
// output the new character into the appropriate buffer or drop it if
// there's no room in either one. This code will malfunction in the
// case where the parameter name is too long to fit into the name buffer,
// but in that case, it will just overflow into the value buffer so
// there's no harm.
if (nameLen > 0)
*name++ = ch;
else if (valueLen > 0)
*value++ = ch;
// if we get here, we hit the end-of-file, so POST is over and there
// are no more parameters
return false;
int read()
if (NULL == client)
return -1;
// if (m_pushbackDepth == 0)
unsigned long timeoutTime = millis() + 1000;
while (client.connected())
// stop reading the socket early if we get to content-length
// characters in the POST. This is because some clients leave
// the socket open because they assume HTTP keep-alive.
if (m_readingContent)
if (m_contentLength == 0)
return -1;
int ch = client.read();
// if we get a character, return it, otherwise continue in while
// loop, checking connection status
if (ch != -1)
return ch;
unsigned long now = millis();
if (now > timeoutTime)
// connection timed out, destroy client, return EOF
// reset();
return -1;
// connection lost, return EOF
return -1;
return 0;
// return m_pushback[--m_pushbackDepth];
I was wonder why strtoul vaused me a proble, thought
Well, I'm wondering what you were trying to say.
I'd try compiling your code for a regular (real) Arduino, to see if that caused any compilation issues, but, I know that it will since it is incomplete.
Well, I'm wondering what you were trying to say.
I'd try compiling your code for a regular (real) Arduino, to see if that caused any compilation issues, but, I know that it will since it is incomplete.
On a regular arduino (e.g Mega) it is compiling without errors but when I select ESP8266 it is not.
This makes me wonder why is it like that ?
So we don't have the standard C library that has strtoul().
Removing -nostdlib only makes the problem different:
.../xtensa-lx106-elf/bin/ld: cannot find crt1-sim.o: No such file or directory
.../xtensa-lx106-elf/bin/ld: cannot find _vectors.o: No such file or directory
.../build8540118121323437012.tmp/core.a(abi.cpp.o):(.bss+0x0): multiple definition of `__dso_handle'
.../lib/gcc/xtensa-lx106-elf/4.8.2/crtbegin.o:(.data+0x0): first defined here
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Next attempt: keep -nostdlib and add libc manually.