Hello guys i want to ask if is it possible for an esp8266 nodemcu or 01 call the pin of an Atmega328p chip? for an example is the relay is connected to the atmega328p chip and i have a mobile application that uses a wifi to alter the relay from high to low. which is coded in the atmega. thanks for the response and can you give me a reference or link in how i can do it if its possible
Then you have posted in the wrong section of the forum. There are many warnings about not posting your questions in the introductory tutorials section.
I will move your post.
Yes, but this is a complex way to do it and not easy for beginners. Why not connect the relay directly to the esp/NodeMCU?
its a project which we have a physical keypad and a digital keypad to unlock the relay. the physical keypad is connected to the atmega
The easiest way for a beginner to do this that I can think of would be to have the esp control a second relay. The second relay would be wired across the first relay (which is controlled by the atmega) so that either relay can unlock whatever is locked.
If a second relay is not possible, a simple or-gate can be constructed from a couple of diodes and a pull-up resistor. This would enable a pin from the esp or a pin from the atmega to activate the relay.
Thank you i will look into this
any reference to this technique? or yt tutorials?
Which technique? I suggested 2.
YT tutorials are great for learning skills like soldering, but not so good for circuits and code. Web page tutorials are better for that kind of thing, because you can copy example code, zoom in to study complex schematics etc.
I would suggest 1 relay, but 2 different transistors/opto-couplers to close the relay circuit.
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