ESP8266 Failed uploading: uploading error: exit status 2

Saludos, tengo el siguiente problema, estoy tratando de hacer pruebas con el IDE 2.0.3 y con un ESP8266, al momento de cargar el software me sale el siguiente error: v3.0
Serial port COM3
Failed uploading: uploading error: exit status 2
soy nuevo en esto, y necesito ayuda porfavor, gracias.

as you compile/upload try pressing the FLASH button on the ESP8266 board

run the device manager - plug/unplug the ESP8266 USB cable the COM port should appear/disappear
what ESP8266 device are you using
using Tools>Board>ESP8266 board which board did you select

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The problem was in the ESP8266 driver, I downloaded it and changed it directly from the device manager and it worked, thanks.

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