I am using the ESP8266, currently connected to my computer serial port through an Arduino UNO. The Arduino sends my commands (which I enter in the COM port) to the module via softwareSerial, and returns the ESP's responses to the Arduino COM port. Simple enough. Running at 9600 baud, I am trying to post some sensor data to an online api. I used thingspeak, and the whole setup worked perfectly. My data was updated in the cloud and I saw it instantaneously.
However, when I tried using the same on another api on my own domain, it just refuses to work.
File Not Found I tried POST and GET, and several variations. Some return a "bad request" error page. Any ideas as to where the issue could be? I'm completely stumped. Could it be a server side issue? Or am I doing something wrong in the AT commands? Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!GET /test.php
The above sequence of commands returns a full html page with "Error 404 File Not Found", as follows: