I'm using my esp8266 with a server sending back a small html website(
Hello world
To connect to the server i use:
And then i send a Http GET request:
GET /main.html HTTP/1.1
The Tutorial I'm using get the return:
Hello world
but i dont!!
Please HELP!!
SoftwareSerial.ino (436 Bytes)
Pretty sure you are missing a parameter in AT+CIPSTART="TCP","",80
Im missing the ID of the connection, but if i only have one it should not matter(?), I will try...
it did not work.
I now know that my python server does not register a request until after AT+CIPCLOSE
This is the server:
import SocketServer
import SimpleHTTPServer
PORT = 80
Handler = SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler
httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer(("", PORT), Handler)
print "serving at port", PORT
I have a small test.html on a real web server with a domain name that I pay for.
I use a connection ID = 3 and it works.
Maybe something is wrong with your server code. Don't know.
I THINK I KNOW! Do you get the message:
"busy s..."?
I do and i dont think that is normal!
You may need to put in a bit more wait time between commands.
Im writing the commands manually at the time, so that should not be a problem(?)