esp8266 is not responding after changing baud rate

Im working with esp8266-5 and arduino uno. I was successful about web server examples but then something went wrong. For fixing the problem i used that command: AT+RESTORE and my module restarted. After that, when I tried to get answer for my AT commands, there was nothing on the screen. But with a little luck, my module started to work again. But i was need to change baud rate to 9600. I tried 2 commands: AT+IPR and AT+CIOBAUD=9600. But then i understood that the changing is temporary. When i was trying to do that, i decided to connect different wires and i did all works again and tataa there is no response again.. And then i realized that i connected wires wrong. VCC part on the module was not connected to arduino and RST part was connected to arduino. Before i saw that i tried to update my module again. Of course it did not work.
Now, I dont know what i need to do. Am i broke the module? How can i get responses again?
Thanks for help!

AT+CIOBAUD=9600 permanently changes the baud rate to 9600

I don't know what AT+RESTORE or AT+IPR does. I have never used them.

I have found that using the Arduino IDE Serial Monitor is the best for communicating with the ESP modules.
I use a separate 3.3V power supply for the ESP module.