ESP8266 is not responding AT comands

Hey guys,

I want to send data from my Arduino Nano to a Rest API via ESP8266 using AT commands.
Everything worked realy well, but I tried to send AT commands in the loop and I think that killed the firmware. Is that possible?
I dont think it´s a hardware topic, cause it worked well connecting to a AP. I tried to use the firmware download tool from ESPRESSIF, but I cant Influenz Baudrate, which I changed to 9600 earlier. Ilost. Can you say me you favorite falshing tool for the firmware?

Thanks, Nils

I use Espressif's official tool for flashing my ESP-01 in Windows.
Unless it has changed in newer firmware, the default baud rate for AT firmware is 115200 not 9600.


I changed the baud rate to 9600 with the AT commands to get better transfer results. With AT+IPR=9600.

I changed the baud rate to 9600 with the AT commands to get better transfer results. With AT+IPR=9600.

That's not the baud rate command I used.
Looks like you may have bricked your ESP8266. Google it!
