I am trying to connect my ESP8266 NodeMCU to the internet. my Serial monitor shows "Failed to connect to ssid" where ssid is my home network SSID.
I am able to connect and upload to it via USB cable.
I did put the SSID, login and password to my home network (that uses WPA-2 authentication). I keep getting the failed to connect message.
Thank you
5GHz or 2,4GHz network? ESP works only with 2,4GHz network. Best is 2 different SSID. Try WiFimanager. Makes it easy to port your ESP to another network without recompiling your code.
Thanks for the reply. I am using 2.4ghz and my ssid for each is different (for 2.4 and 5ghz). I also am using WPA2 Personal security mode. Will that prevent the ESP8266 to connect to wifi? I will look into the WiFimanager now. Thank you