I am at a loss. I can talk to this thing via ftdi with no problems. Hooking it up with an Arduino is a different story. I am using a voltage divider for the TX line from D1. I have used an example mega sketch using serial1 and an uno sketch using debug software serial. I have the CH line high on the esp8266. Newest firmware is installed too. Running at 115200 baud. I bought two of these modules of frustration and both act the same. Anyone getting this darn thing working?
I have a couple of these running.
I didn't6 have much luck using Arduino and the AT-firmware, so instead I use yhe LUA firmware.
It is very simple to make for example a webserver on the esp8266 itself, and if you wish you could have that communicate with an Arduino.
Try 57600 baud rate. For the newest official firmware V0.9.3 the AT command to change baud rate is now AT+IPR=57600 replacing 57600 with whatever you choose.
Actually the idea with the lua firmware is not to use a external mcu like Arduino.
The esp8266 is more powerfull than an Arduino in many ways.
But ofcource you can interface them if you want.
If you put this little webserver on your esp, you can update the webpage by simple updating the variable t via the serial from Arduino .