Hi, I'm pretty new to arduino and this forum, so please excuse me.
A couple of months ago, I purchased an ESP8266 Nodemcu board. I got it to work perfectly, and made a couple of projects. Just recently, I decided to get it back out and try to make something with it. I plug it into my computer, and it doesn't even show up in the "port" selector. I tried it on macOS and Windows 10. I tried downloading drivers, and it made no difference. Another thing is the red LED on the board is constantly solid. I've been researching for hours, trying different things, and still can't figure it out. Please help.
These symptoms are often caused by using a defective or charge-only USB cable that only provides power but doesn't have the data lines connected. Try using a known-good cable or verify the cable works for data on a different device.
The usb-ports on a lot of these seem very weak and prone to failure. I have a few boards that I have to "keep tension" on the port or else it won't reliably connect.
These pins on these boards are also NOT 5V tolerant, and are rather easy to fry. Is the esp module getting hot (>105F) while connected? If so, its likely bad.