i have an ESP8266 Setup to include in my circuit and communicate to my arduino mega. I programmed it using an Adapter where i soldered a Button to connect Ground to GPIO0 to put it into programming mode. I also have set up a Logic Level Shifter to power the esp8266 and convert the RX TX Pins from 3.3V to 5V and from 5V to 3.3V. However if i try to power my ESP8266 from the circuit and not from the USB Adapter, it does not boot. I measured Voltage and Current with a multimeter and Voltage is at 3.29V which is in the acceptance range of the ESP8266, with the current around 170 mA, which schould also be enough.
Moreover, Chipenable of the ESP is pulled to 3.3V.
Do I need to connect any other pins, so the ESP8266 does boot.
I am kind of lost in between all the Things i can find on the internet and some help would be really appreciated.
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Show us a diagram (or clear well-lit photo) of the connections. It's hard to visualise from your description.
Which ESP8266 are you using? (eg is it a bare ESP module, or one of the NodeMCU or Wemos boards?)
Moreover, Chipenable of the ESP is pulled to 3.3V.
Do I need to connect any other pins, so the ESP8266 does boot.
Yes, RST also needs to be pulled 'HIGH' (so VCC, CH_PD & RST should be connected to 3.3v and with the exception of GND & GPIO3(rx) none of the other pins can be pulled 'LOW'
I am assuming you have an ESP-01.
with the current around 170 mA, which schould also be enough
Nope, 280mA should be enough, 170mA probably isn't quite enough, may work a bit until you try to connect to WiFi.
First, thanks for the advice and sorry for duplicate posting, i posted in the wrong forum first.
Nope, 280mA should be enough, 170mA probably isn't quite enough, may work a bit until you try to connect to WiFi.
I am using a Logic Level shifter from sparkfun to convert my 5V from my Power Source to 3.3V. I only get up to 170mA from the bind behinde the logic level shifter. How can i Increase the current in this case.
I am very new to electric parts and therefore dont really understand how this logic level converter works, but ther eis probably a way to increase the received current on the 3.3V side of the logic Level shifter, since my Power Source supplies 10A. Help would be appreciated.
I am currently not home, but i will make a Photo of the Breadboard when Im Back.
I am using a Logic Level shifter from sparkfun to convert my 5V from my Power Source to 3.3V. I only get up to 170mA from the bind behinde the logic level shifter.
A logic level shifter isn't meant as a power supply. A 3.3v regulator in a TO-220 package is the easiest solution (there are SMD packages that also are suitable, but since you are on a breadboard TO-220 is the way to go) Add a (1uF minimum) Capacitor on the 3.3v rail to balance the power out a bit more.
but i will make a Photo of the Breadboard when Im Back.
A drawing of how it is connected is better, even if it is hand drawn. (digitally drawn usually looks better, but looks don't matter that much.)
You should be using a Voltage Regulator to go from 5V to 3.3V for the power supply line.
This 3.3V, 600mA switching regulator for example
or a straight up linear regulator such as
alright, i will try to use a Voltage Regulator and just use the logic level shifter for serial communication between my arduino and the esp8266-01.
Thanks for the help!
turns out the breadboard adapter i got to simplify connecting the esp8266 to my circuit has an arrow on it which points in the wrong direction. I cant confirm if its working if i change the way i plug my esp, but i think this will help me. We will see tomorrow.