I want my ESP8266 to flash its LED when I receive a new email from my yahoo account.
The project resembles GitHub - LiveSparks/Notification-Flag , which uses IFTT and Dweet - however Dweet is a paid service.
I'm happy to use IFTTT, what other free service can I use to connect to it and notify my ESP8266.
The internet seems to be full of things to make an ESP talk to other devices but not the other way around.
The internet seems to be full of things to make an ESP talk to other devices but not the other way around.
And that is exactly how you want it to work.
That is how your mail program works. It regularly looks for mail on the mail server, when it finds it, it downloads it and gives you a message. You do not want the ESP to download the mail as such, but you want it to interrogate the mail server for the latest sequence number.
Yes I know what you're saying, all my ESP projects work like this.
But for this time around I just want the ESP to interrogate the mail server & provide a simple visual notification ie- it's own LED.