ESP8266: OTHER devices can't see the network


I've been playing with an ESP8266 for the first time (NodeMCU to be precise) and something strange is happening and Google doesn't seem to know about it, so just asking as maybe there is such a thing and I don't know about it.

My board connects just fine, but then, sometimes, other devices (phone and tablet) don't seem to see the network anymore. They don't lose connection while on, but if I turn their WiFi off, or the device off, and turn it on again, poof goes the network and I have to reset the router for them to see it again.

This does not happen all the time, mind you, seems quite random, but being that I never had a problem with the router, and given that I don't have any problems on days I don't thinker with the board... it's mighty suspicious if you ask me. :slight_smile:

Here's the only piece of code related to networking (called from void Setup() on main file)... so nothing pretty much, just connecting, I haven't implemented anything else yet.

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include "Logger.h" <-- This just prints to Serial ATM

char *WiFiName = "---";
char *WiFiPassword = "---";

bool Setup() {
  Logger::Log("Connecting to " + String(WiFiName));
  WiFi.begin(WiFiName, WiFiPassword);
  unsigned long MillisConn = millis();
  while ((WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) && (millis() - MillisConn <= 10000)) {
  if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED)
    Logger::Log("Failed: " + String(WiFi.status()));

  return WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED;


I see there's a WiFi.disconnect() method... Should I be calling that thing before powering off / restarting the board (or re-flash it for that matter)?

Any idea what might be going on or how to go about debug this?

Hello, I too have the Nodemcu. If I'm not mistaken the mode you are trying to it in is called Access point mode. Where you can make you Nodemcu into its own network( separate from your normal home router network), then other devices can connect to it. I am fairly new at this, is that correct?

Sorry, I should have made that clear. The network that disappears is the home.

Obviously the NodeMCU one also disappears when I turn it off, but my devices never connect to that one.