I'm trying to adapt the following code to my WeMos D1 R1 board, based on esp8266, to get a proper temperature & pressure from a MS5540 sensor : water-depth-using-ms5540c.
As of now, code seems to work, but it's probably only luck ... !
- i'm geeting values for word1 to word4
word1 : 47942 - 1011101101000110
word2 : 63066 - 1111011001011010
word3 : 41184 - 1010000011100000
word4 : 48901 - 1011111100000101
- the calibration coefficients are properly calculated, I checked versus the MS5540 datasheet.
c1 : 23971 - 101110110100011
c2 : 2053 - 100000000101
c3 : 764 - 1011111100
c4 : 643 - 1010000011
c5 : 985 - 1111011001
c6 : 26 - 11010
- but the values D1 & D2 are wrong, always same value 65535, thus at the end the pressure and temperature displayed are incorrect.
D1 : 65535 - 1111111111111111
D2 : 65535 - 1111111111111111
Temp °C : 297 - 100101001
Pressure mBar : 2775 - 101011010111
My questions are the following:
ESP8266 is running at 80Mhz versus 16Mhz for the Arduino. In the original code there is a
that I tryed to adapt with /128 to be as close as possible to the 500Khz from the MS5540. Does it mean the controller and the sensor are not compatible on this point? -
Orignal code have the instruction at the beginning of the loop
TCCR1B = (TCCR1B & 0xF8) | 1 ; //generates the MCKL signal
. Or course it doesn't work on esp8266 as registry TCCR1B doesn't exist for my µC, but as I don't really understand the purpose of it I'm in trouble to find a workaround for esp8266... But i assume this is driving the timing of the reading of the SPI? Thus probably the root cause of my issue. -
finally, in the Reset Sequence figure (bottom, page 13) in the datasheet I understand the reset should be done with 3 bytes like this 10101010 1010101000 00000000 and not with
0x15 0x55 0x40 (00010101 01010101 01000000)
as it's done in the code. What do I miss?
void resetsensor() //this function keeps the sketch a little shorter
My current code is below:
#include <SPI.h>
int pin_clock = 3;
void resetsensor() { //this function keeps the sketch a little shorter
SPI.transfer(0x15); //21
SPI.transfer(0x55); //85
SPI.transfer(0x40); //64
void setup(void) {
SPI.begin(); //see SPI library details on arduino.cc for details
pinMode(pin_clock, OUTPUT);
void printValue(unsigned int wordX, const char* wordName){
Serial.print(" : ");
Serial.print(" - ");
void loop(void) {
//TCCR1B = (TCCR1B & 0xF8) | 1 ; //generates the MCKL signal
analogWrite (pin_clock, 128) ;
resetsensor();//resets the sensor - caution: afterwards mode = SPI_MODE0!
//Calibration word 1
unsigned int word1 = 0;
unsigned int word11 = 0;
SPI.transfer(0x1D); //29 send first byte of command to get calibration word 1
SPI.transfer(0x50); //80 send second byte of command to get calibration word 1
SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE1); //change mode in order to listen
word1 = SPI.transfer(0x00); //send dummy byte to read first byte of word
word1 = word1 << 8; //shift returned byte
word11 = SPI.transfer(0x00); //send dummy byte to read second byte of word
word1 = word1 | word11; //combine first and second byte of word
printValue(word1, "word1");
resetsensor();//resets the sensor
//Calibration word 2; see comments on calibration word 1
unsigned int word2 = 0;
byte word22 = 0;
SPI.transfer(0x60); //96
word2 = SPI.transfer(0x00);
word2 = word2 << 8;
word22 = SPI.transfer(0x00);
word2 = word2 | word22;
printValue(word2, "word2");
resetsensor();//resets the sensor
//Calibration word 3; see comments on calibration word 1
unsigned int word3 = 0;
byte word33 = 0;
SPI.transfer(0x90); //144
word3 = SPI.transfer(0x00);
word3 = word3 << 8;
word33 = SPI.transfer(0x00);
word3 = word3 | word33;
printValue(word3, "word3");
resetsensor();//resets the sensor
//Calibration word 4; see comments on calibration word 1
unsigned int word4 = 0;
byte word44 = 0;
SPI.transfer(0xA0); //160
word4 = SPI.transfer(0x00);
word4 = word4 << 8;
word44 = SPI.transfer(0x00);
word4 = word4 | word44;
printValue(word4, "word4");
long c1 = (word1 >> 1) & 0x7FFF;
long c2 = ((word3 & 0x003F) << 6) | (word4 & 0x003F);
long c3 = (word4 >> 6) & 0x03FF;
long c4 = (word3 >> 6) & 0x03FF;
long c5 = ((word1 & 0x0001) << 10) | ((word2 >> 6) & 0x03FF);
long c6 = word2 & 0x003F;
printValue(c1, "c1");
printValue(c2, "c2");
printValue(c3, "c3");
printValue(c4, "c4");
printValue(c5, "c5");
printValue(c6, "c6");
resetsensor();//resets the sensor
unsigned int presMSB = 0; //first byte of value
unsigned int presLSB = 0; //last byte of value
unsigned int D1 = 0;
SPI.transfer(0x0F); //send first byte of command to get pressure value
SPI.transfer(0x40); //send second byte of command to get pressure value
delay(35); //wait for conversion end
SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE1); //change mode in order to listen
presMSB = SPI.transfer(0x00); //send dummy byte to read first byte of value
presMSB = presMSB << 8; //shift first byte
presLSB = SPI.transfer(0x00); //send dummy byte to read second byte of value
D1 = presMSB | presLSB;
resetsensor();//resets the sensor
unsigned int tempMSB = 0; //first byte of value
unsigned int tempLSB = 0; //last byte of value
unsigned int D2 = 0;
SPI.transfer(0x0F); //send first byte of command to get temperature value
SPI.transfer(0x20); //send second byte of command to get temperature value
delay(35); //wait for conversion end
SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE1); //change mode in order to listen
tempMSB = SPI.transfer(0x00); //send dummy byte to read first byte of value
tempMSB = tempMSB << 8; //shift first byte
tempLSB = SPI.transfer(0x00); //send dummy byte to read second byte of value
D2 = tempMSB | tempLSB; //combine first and second byte of value
resetsensor();//resets the sensor
//calculation of the real values by means of the calibration factors and the maths
//in the datasheet. const MUST be long
const long UT1 = (c5 * 8) + 20224;
const long dT = D2 - UT1;
const long TEMP = 200 + ((dT * (c6 + 50)) >> 10);
const long OFF = (c2 * 4) + (((c4 - 512) * dT) >> 12);
const long SENS = c1 + ((c3 * dT) >> 10) + 24576;
const long X = (SENS * (D1 - 7168) >> 14) - OFF;
long PCOMP = ((X * 10) >> 5) + 2500;
float TEMPREAL = TEMP/10;
float PCOMPHG = PCOMP * 750.06 / 10000; // mbar*10 -> mmHg === ((mbar/10)/1000)*750/06
printValue(TEMPREAL,"Temp °C");
printValue(PCOMP,"Pressure mBar");
printValue(PCOMPHG,"Pressure mmHg");
Any hint are welcome, many thanks for the time you took for reading this post already.