ESP8266, Wemos D1, check A0 input


i use my A0 pin to meassure the Voltage from my anemometer (to measure the wind speed)
I get always a ADC input, but it isn't not so much (13ADC). I created a other thread to tlk about this minimal meassuring. Some other user test it with there wemos and got the same result. so i fix it with a little calculating. It worked great.

Since a few days, the 13 ADC changed. If the wemos don't get any input, the ADC is not 13 like the last few months. It's 7 ADC now.

So i want to check, if the A0 pin work correct. How can i do this?
is there any easy way?
i check the A0 pin every 1000ms so it would be enaugh, when i can connect a fix voltage to check if the measuring give the same value

Your question is missing a lot of information. That is a lot more voltage then it was designed to work with. You may have made a crispy critter out of that part. Post an Annotated schematic showing exactly how you wired it, be sure all power sources, ground etc are included. Also post a link to technical information on the hardware devices.

here some information:
i use a anemometer which can give 0-2V

the wiring is very easy:

minus line is to ground,
plus line is to A0

I think the 13ADC is not to much for the Wemos D1.

ADC isn't same as Voltage

The highest number on this scale would be ten ones, 1111111111. In decimal this number would be 1023.
This means that the voltage sensed on the ADC pin will yield a number in the chips memory between 0 and 1023.
1.0V on the TOUT pin will give a value of 1023.

The digital converter is set with two resitors on the wemos.
If someone use more than 1V the digital converter set 3.3V as 1023.
So if i use 2V input, it will be show 620 ADC.
I hope this is correct. i found the infos on this side:

so my 13 ADC are 0,013V
it should be no problem......

No my question is, how i can test it........

should it possible to test it with a AAA+ Battery. It should be have 1.5V???????
i can test it with a multimeter.

if i connect the (+ Battery side) to A0 and the (- Battery side) to Ground, it should give 767 ADC, correct?????

I hope my english is not so bad

I forgot

Be carful!
the normal ESP8266 can only read a maximal A0 input of 1V.
Only the Wemos D1 has a voltage converter to read more than 1V.

I tested it. it works. The multimeter shows 90mV differnez to the wemos D1, when i use a AA battery with 1.5V (1.633 when i meassure it with my multimeter)

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