ESP8266 WiFi Shield Board Module+ ESP-13 --- Cannot interact with/connect to it

Hi Folks,

Very new to Arduino technology, and I've been successful playing with my Arduino Uno by itself, I just cannot get my head around how to use this new Wifi Shield I bought (picture included).

So far I've tracked down a few resources that have given guidance that hasn't really helped me get any further forward.

I followed the wemos guide as best as I could and I ended up with errors when i tried to upload to the board. I had the shield clipped onto the arduino Uno, and the Uno connected to my computer via USB.

When trying to upload a simple code (below) I received the error "espcomm_upload_mem failed".

Not sure what I'm doing wrong, how to move forward. Any suggestions or help would be appreciated.

void setup() 
  // initialize serial communications at 9600 bps

void loop() 
  Serial.println("Hello World.");

I've got one of those ESP-13 shields as part of the robot car kit I bought from Osoyoo.

I got is working, including the wifi example 5 that they provide. OSOYOO Robot Car Starter Kit Lesson 5: Control Robot Car through WIFI and Bluetooth «

Fine ... but ... I cannot get it to work with the simple examples provided in the Arduino IDE (examples ..wifi ..scannetworks, for example)

However, I found 1 website that provides very helpful information and an example wifi sketch that worked first time !
At ... I wish I had known that: Getting the ESP-13 Arduino WiFi shield to work - part 1, sending data from Arduino over Wifi
I highly recommend that site.

So ESP-13 wifi shield works ... but I still cannot get the kit (Arduino Uno + ESP-13 shield) to run the basic wifi examples in the Arduino library - the serial monitor just says "Wifi module not present " .

Can anyone tell us how to get the ESP-13 wifi + Arduino Uno working with simple wifi sketches ?


So ESP-13 wifi shield works ... but I still cannot get the kit (Arduino Uno + ESP-13 shield) to run the basic wifi examples in the Arduino library

In which library? If you are talking about the examples in the WiFi library, they WILL work, when you run them on an Arduino with the proper WiFi shield attached. The ESP-13 is NOT the same hardware and will not work with the WiFi library.

if you connect an esp shield or module to Arduino board, you have to controllers. the atmega on the Arduino board and the esp on shield or module. the connection can be over serial or over SPI. if it is over hardware Serial, you cant use Serial Monitor. option is SoftwareSerial.

to program you have 3 options:

  • create one sketch for Arduino and one for the esp
  • use a firmware for the esp and a corresponding library in your Arduino sketch
  • use firmata in Arduino and create an esp sketch with FirmataMaster library

in option 1, you must switch between to sketches and two boards for uploading and debugging.

in option 2 you can use

  • SDK AT firmware (only with serial connection) and use AT commands or WiFiEsp library
  • esp-link firmware with el-link library
  • WiFiLink firmware and library

WiFiEsp and WiFiLink have standard Arduino networking API like the WiFi library. advantage of the WiFi Link is that it is an Arduino esp sketch and it can run more than one server.

 esp8266      |  atmega
 AT firmware |  sketch using raw AT
 AT firmware |  sketch using WiFiEsp
 esp-link    |  sketch using EL-link
 WiFiLink    |  sketch using WiFiLink
 sketch      |  Standard Firmata
 sketch      |  sketch

In which library? If you are talking about the examples in the WiFi library, they WILL work, when you run them on an Arduino with the proper WiFi shield attached. The ESP-13 is NOT the same hardware and will not work with the WiFi library.

Hi PaulS, thanks for your helpful reply.
you asked ...In which library? ..
answer;- file..examples...wifi...scannetworks is 1 example program that will not run. The serial monitor just says ...wifi module not present.

you mentioned ...The ESP-13 is NOT the same hardware and will not work with the WiFi library.

Can you point me towards a replacement that scans for wifi networks and displays their SSID in the serial monitor ?, one that works on my ESP-13 + Uno boards ?

Many thanks, Agribot
