Hey guys I was checking my notes and found a sketch where I have this:
As you can see, Rx on the esp8266 module goes to Tx on Nano instead of Rx. I was wondering if someone could refresh my memory as to when this is something you want to do.
I know that for programming the esp8266 directly from the Arduino ide via the nano or Uno, it's Rx to Rx.
I also know that using AT commands via the serial monitor thru a Nano or Uno the wiring is also Rx to Rx.
But I think I remember an article where they used Rx to Tx and I don't remember what for.
You have to make rx-rx and TX-TX when you want to talk from your pc to the esp directly. Technically you are not using at all the Arduino nano, you are using only its serial to ttl converter.
Instead if you want your mcu to talk with the esp you need to have tx-rx
ok but that example uses SS, so I dont know if Rx-6-Uno is connected to Rx on the esp01 module. In my example I have the nano Rx wired to the ESP01 Tx and vv.
The thing is I want to understand what the difference is. I have been going thru examples of using the ESP01 module:
Uploading sketch to nano that sends AT commands to the esp01 to post data
Uploading sketch to nano that uses library to post data
Uploading sketch to esp01 directly that posts data to the web