I have one ESP8266 connected to my wifi, I will call this esp "brain."
This "brain" receives web socket from Node.js server and I want to send data to another esp with esp-now.
If my esp "brain" is not connected to wifi, esp-now work well and my other esp receive data, but when I connect esp "brain" to wifi I have a delivery failed.
Is it possible to have esp8266 connected to my home wifi, and use esp-now to send data to another esp?
You cannot manage two protocols at same time using same antenna
if you need to use WiFi and ESP now at same time then no luck. But you might have some success if you can use them separately (something like collect the data with ESP-NOW, turn it off , activate the WiFi stack and send the data, close the WiFi connection and starts ESP now again).
I faced the same issue when using ESP-NOW for an outside environment monitor using two ESP32’s
The issue came about when I wanted to send the data to Arduino Cloud!
The solution was found HERE by using a aditional (3rd) ESP32 They are cheap enough now} & setup a Hardware Serial2 link between 2nd & 3rd ESP32’s – the 2nd uses ESP-NOW & the 3rd uses WiFi
The devices I'm using are as follows -
Adafruit ESP32-S2 Feather with BME280 Sensor - Outside ESP-NOW
SparkFun Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM (U.FL) - inside ESP-NOW
AZDelivery LOLIN32 Lite - WiFi
There is just a 4 wire link between the ESP32 WROOM & the LOLIN32 -
3.3V, 0V, TXd & RXd the ESP32 WROOM powers the LOLIN32
I've had this running for over a year now with no issues.