i am trying to play a chime note that i have saved in hex format in code and wanted to play it on starting of every hour. but it plays 2 seconds and stops without completion of it. am using a tip122 npn darlington transistor in speaker output. when i check it via uploading code only to play it it works, but when i interface it with ds1307 rtc the code not works. can any body give me a solution of the problem...
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <RTClib.h>
#include "AudioFileSourcePROGMEM.h"
#include "AudioGeneratorWAV.h"
#include "AudioOutputI2SNoDAC.h"
// Define the chime audio file
#include "chime.h"
AudioGeneratorWAV *wav;
AudioFileSourcePROGMEM *file;
AudioOutputI2SNoDAC *out;
void playChime() {
audioLogger = &Serial;
file = new AudioFileSourcePROGMEM(chime, sizeof(chime));
out = new AudioOutputI2SNoDAC();
wav = new AudioGeneratorWAV();
wav->begin(file, out);
while (wav->isRunning()) {
if (!wav->loop()) wav->stop();
void setup() {
// Initialize the RTC module
//RTC.adjust(DateTime(F(__DATE__), F(__TIME__))); // Set the initial time (optional)
void loop() {
DateTime now = RTC.now();
// Check if it's the start of an hour (minute is 0) and in 12-hour format
if (now.minute() == 0 && now.second() == 0) {
if (now.hour() >= 1 && now.hour() <= 12) { // Check if the hour is in the range of 1 to 12
// Your additional code or tasks can go here
// Add any other code you need to run in the loop