I used a 5V power supply to start an esp8266 and it works without any problems, but sometimes the module gets a little hot, but not too much. Is there a problem if I always use 5V to run the module?
This is the module I use
I used a 5V power supply to start an esp8266 and it works without any problems, but sometimes the module gets a little hot, but not too much. Is there a problem if I always use 5V to run the module?
This is the module I use
it will be destroyed
Have a few spares? You are one lucky person, most of the time when powered by 5V they fry or as one of our contributors says you let the smoke out!
But this not a problem?
Yes running it at 5V exceeds the specification and it will fail sooner than it would otherwise do if you treated it properly.
It is a bit like saying you hit your wife but this is no problem because she hasn't left you yet.
The time abuse, electronics or personal, becomes a problem it is too late to do anything about it.
With any component you need to look at the data sheet to find out what it’s requirements are prior to hooking it up.
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