ESP8266 XML-RPC client - publsih value

Hi all,

I am working with an ESP8266 and I would like to publish a value (array consisting of x/y/z and Rotation for x/y/z) to a server using XML-RPC. However, I only found a library for Phyton (using the following import: import xmlrpc.client). The focus is on the client, as the server side already exists.

import xmlrpc.client

with xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy( as proxy:
    proxy.Urx.PublishValue("position", {'x':2,'y':1,'z':1,'rx':0,'ry':0,'rz':0 })
    print("%s" % str(proxy.Urx.GetValues()))

The problem now is that i haven't found a library in Arduino IDE for having the same functionalities as shown above in Phyton.

Perhaps someone here knows a library that I have missed or can send me an example based on which to start the discussion.

Thank you in advance! Greetings!

Do you need only to push the values to the server? In that case a fully fledged XML-RPC library would be a huge overkill.
XML-RPC is just sending a bit of XML over HTTP. Using the included HTTP library this is just a few prints.
Do you have a manual of that service or at least a specification of what exactly you need to do?

So the server already exists in the enviornment. The server on is one serves as a bridge to a cobot. However, I build up a socket client server as a connection to publish the values to the server. The server on is one also serves as a client to push these values to the robot.
Thanks for your advise!

Sounds like a very bad translation. I haven't understood what you're asking for.

There was no upcoming task from my last response. I've now solved my problem with the socket client/server.

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