

I'm using this product:

but when i run it with the bare minimum code i still get this error on my serial monitor :

Fatal exception (3): epc1=0x40202a60, epc2=0x00000000, epc3=0x00000000, excvaddr=0x40000000, depc=0x00000000

I'ts running on 74880 baud if it's of any help.

My code...

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:


void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


did you flash the Arduino code on it? was that succesful?

How did you put the switch - UART or Program?

did you flash the Arduino code on it? was that succesful?

How did you put the switch - UART or Program?

I put it on UART , and what do you mena by flash the arduino code on it? how do i do this?

First you need the esp8266 Arduino core.

ESP8266 upload has information on uploading the code once the IDE core is installed.

You have a version of the ESP that requires an external antenna. Do you have an antenna?

You have a version of the ESP that requires an external antenna. Do you have an antenna?

The ESP-07 on the breakout board has a ceramic antenna and it works well. although the ESP-12f I've read has a better antenna configuration. (can't find the source sorry)

Thanks for the correction, zhomeslice. I thought that the antenna was required. Have to try one of my -07s to see the difference in range with and without an external antenna.

well main point is to have the right environment to get his sketch into his ESP..

I guess it is this:

One reviewer has said how he got it working.