ESP8266WiFi How to detect internet availability

Hello, is there a way to detect that the ESP is connected to a WiFi network but internet is not available?
As far as know WiFi.status() gives information about the network connection but not internet availability... Is there a way?

Try to access ANY external web site. Try to sending and HTML GET request to If you get anything back, you have Internet.


I have a board that validates that my Verizon router hasn't crashed yet again. It pings my servers and an external website at random every ten seconds. If the pings are good, I have a green board. If one fails, I get red.

thats the second time I have seen this question in the last few days, tried searching for it there some good answers to the first poster

try to connect a site and check if you get a HTTP response code 200

Thanks for the answers, I managed to work around the problem...