ESPAsync_WiFiManager for ESP32/ESP8266 now supports MultiWiFi/LittleFS

ESPAsync_WiFiManager Library to use ESPAsyncWebServer instead of (ESP8266)WebServer


How To Install Using Arduino Library Manager

Why do we need this Async ESPAsync_WiFiManager Library

  • Using asynchronous network means that you can handle more than one connection at the same time
  • You are called once the request is ready and parsed
  • When you send the response, you are immediately ready to handle other connections while the server is taking care of sending the response in the background
  • Speed is OMG
  • Easy to use API, HTTP Basic and Digest MD5 Authentication (default), ChunkedResponse
  • Easily extendible to handle any type of content
  • Supports Continue 100%
  • Async WebSocket plugin offering different locations without extra servers or ports
  • Async EventSource (Server-Sent Events) plugin to send events to the browser
  • URL Rewrite plugin for conditional and permanent url rewrites
  • ServeStatic plugin that supports cache, Last-Modified, default index and more
  • Simple template processing engine to handle templates

New in v1.0.11

  1. Initial coding to use ESPAsyncWebServer instead of (ESP8266)WebServer.
  2. Bump up to v1.0.11 to sync with ESP_WiFiManager v1.0.11.

So, how it works?

In ConfigPortal Mode, it starts an access point called ESP_XXXXXX. Connect to it using the configurable password you can define in the code. For example, your_password (see examples):

// SSID and PW for Config Portal
String ssid = "ESP_" + String(ESP_getChipId(), HEX);
const char* password = "your_password";

After you connected, please, go to, you'll see this Main page:

Select Information to enter the Info page where the board info will be shown (long page)

or short page (default)

Select Configuration to enter this page where you can select an AP and specify its WiFi Credentials

Enter your credentials, then click Save. The WiFi Credentials will be saved and the board reboots to connect to the selected WiFi AP.

If you're already connected to a listed WiFi AP and don't want to change anything, just select Exit Portal from the Main page to reboot the board and connect to the previously-stored AP. The WiFi Credentials are still intact.

Debug Termimal Output Samples

  1. This is terminal debug output when running Async_ConfigOnSwitchFS_MQTT_Ptr on ESP8266 NodeMCU 1.0.. Config Portal was requested to input and save MQTT Credentials. The boards then connected to Adafruit MQTT Server successfully.
Starting Async_ConfigOnSwichFS_MQTT_Ptr on ESP8266_NODEMCU

LittleFS opened: OK
Configuration file not found
Failed to read configuration file, using default values
[WM] RFC925 Hostname = ConfigOnSwichFS-MQTT
Stored: SSID = HueNet1, Pass = 12345678
Connecting to HueNet1
After waiting 5 secs more in setup(), connection result is connected. Local IP:
[WM] freeing allocated params!

Creating new WiFi client object OK
Creating new MQTT object OK
Creating new MQTT_Pub_Topic,  Temperature = /feeds/Temperature
Creating new Temperature object OK
Temperature MQTT_Pub_Topic = /feeds/Temperature
Connecting to WiFi MQTT (3 attempts)...
Connection failed
Another attemtpt to connect to MQTT in 2 seconds...
Connection failed
Another attemtpt to connect to MQTT in 2 seconds...
Connection failed
Another attemtpt to connect to MQTT in 2 seconds...
WiFi MQTT connection failed. Continuing with program...
Button double clicked!
Connecting to WiFi MQTT (3 attempts)...
Connection failed
Another attemtpt to connect to MQTT in 2 seconds...
Connection failed
Another attemtpt to connect to MQTT in 2 seconds...
Connection failed
Another attemtpt to connect to MQTT in 2 seconds...
WiFi MQTT connection failed. Continuing with program...
Button clicked!

Configuration Portal requested.
[WM] RFC925 Hostname = ConfigOnDoubleReset
Opening Configuration Portal. Got stored Credentials. Timeout 120s
[WM] Adding parameter AIO_SERVER_Label
[WM] Adding parameter AIO_SERVERPORT_Label
[WM] Adding parameter AIO_USERNAME_Label
[WM] Adding parameter AIO_KEY_Label
[WM] WiFi.waitForConnectResult Done
Configuring AP SSID = ESP_1190DD
[WM] AP PWD = your_password
[WM] AP Channel = 10
[WM] AP IP address =
[WM] HTTP server started
[WM] ESPAsync_WiFiManager::startConfigPortal : Enter loop
[WM] Custom STA IP/GW/Subnet
[WM] DNS1 and DNS2 set
[WM] setWifiStaticIP IP =
[WM] Connected after waiting (s) : 2.23
[WM] Local ip =
[WM] Timed out connection result: WL_CONNECTED
Connected...yeey :)
Local IP:
Saving config file
  "AIO_SERVER_Label": "",
  "AIO_SERVERPORT_Label": 1883,
  "AIO_USERNAME_Label": "your_account",
  "AIO_KEY_Label": "aio_********"
Config file was successfully saved
Deleting old MQTT object
Deleting old Temperature object
Creating new MQTT object OK
AIO_USERNAME = your_account, AIO_KEY = aio_********
Creating new MQTT_Pub_Topic,  Temperature = your_account/feeds/Temperature
Creating new Temperature object OK
Temperature MQTT_Pub_Topic = your_account/feeds/Temperature
[WM] freeing allocated params!
Connecting to WiFi MQTT (3 attempts)...
WiFi MQTT connection successful!
  1. This is terminal debug output when running Async_ConfigOnDoubleReset on ESP32 ESP32_DEV.. Config Portal was requested by DRD to input and save Credentials. The boards then connected to WiFi using new Static IP successfully.
Starting ConfigOnDoubleReset on ESP32_DEV
[WM] RFC925 Hostname = ConfigOnDoubleReset
Stored: SSID = HueNet1, Pass = password
Got stored Credentials. Timeout 120s
SPIFFS Flag read = 0xd0d01234
Saving config file...
Saving config file OK
Open Config Portal without Timeout: Double Reset Detected
Starting configuration portal.
[WM] WiFi.waitForConnectResult Done
Configuring AP SSID = ESP_9ABF498
[WM] AP PWD = your_password
[WM] AP Channel = 11
[WM] AP IP address =
[WM] HTTP server started
[WM] ESPAsync_WiFiManager::startConfigPortal : Enter loop
[WM] Connecting to new AP
[WM] Previous settings invalidated
[WM] Custom STA IP/GW/Subnet
[WM] DNS1 and DNS2 set
[WM] setWifiStaticIP IP =
[WM] Connect to new WiFi using new IP parameters
[WM] Connected after waiting (s) : 0.60
[WM] Local ip =
[WM] Connection result:  WL_CONNECTED
WiFi connected...yeey :)
After waiting 0 secs more in setup(), connection result is connected. Local IP:
[WM] freeing allocated params!
  1. This is terminal debug output when running Async_ConfigOnDoubleReset on ESP8266_NODEMCU.. Config Portal was requested by DRD to input and save Credentials. The boards then connected to WiFi using new Static IP successfully.
Starting Async_ConfigOnDoubleReset on ESP8266_NODEMCU
[WM] RFC925 Hostname = ConfigOnDoubleReset
Stored: SSID = HueNet1, Pass = 12345678
Got stored Credentials. Timeout 120s
LittleFS Flag read = 0xd0d01234
Saving config file...
Saving config file OK
Open Config Portal without Timeout: Double Reset Detected
Starting configuration portal.
[WM] WiFi.waitForConnectResult Done
Configuring AP SSID = ESP_1190DD
[WM] AP PWD = your_password
[WM] AP Channel = 8
[WM] AP IP address =
[WM] HTTP server started
[WM] ESPAsync_WiFiManager::startConfigPortal : Enter loop
[WM] Request redirected to captive portal
[WM] Handle root
[WM] Info
[WM] Info page sent
[WM] Handle root
[WM] Handle WiFi
[WM] handleWifi: Scan done
[WM] Static IP =
[WM] Sent config page
[WM] WiFi save
[WM] New Static IP =
[WM] New Static Gateway =
[WM] New Static Netmask =
[WM] New Static DNS1 =
[WM] New Static DNS2 =
[WM] Sent wifi save page
[WM] Custom STA IP/GW/Subnet
[WM] DNS1 and DNS2 set
[WM] setWifiStaticIP IP =
[WM] Connected after waiting (s) : 2.22
[WM] Local ip =
[WM] Timed out connection result: WL_CONNECTED
WiFi connected...yeey :)
After waiting 0 secs more in setup(), connection result is connected. Local IP:
[WM] freeing allocated params!

Major Releases v1.1.1

  1. Add MultiWiFi feature to auto(Re)connect to the best WiFi at runtime
  2. Fix bug, typo and minor improvement.
  3. Completely enhanced examples to use new MultiWiFi feature.
  4. Add setCORSHeader function to allow configurable CORS Header. See Using CORS feature
  5. Bump up to v1.1.1 to sync with ESP_WiFiManager v1.1.1.

Just add a section HOWTO Add Dynamic Parameters.

There are step-by-step instructions to guide you through these following complicated steps

1. Determine the variables to be configured via Config Portal (CP)

2. Initialize the variables to prepare for Config Portal (CP)

3. Add the variables to Config Portal (CP)
 3.1 addParameter() function Prototype
 3.2 Code to add variables to CP

4. Save the variables configured in Config Portal (CP)
 4.1 Getting variables' data from CP

5. Write to FS (SPIFFS, LittleFS, etc.) using JSON format
 5.1 Create a [i]DynamicJsonDocument Object[/i]
 5.2 Fill the [i]DynamicJsonDocument Object[/i] with data got from Config Portal
 5.3 Open file to write the Jsonified data
 5.4 Write the Jsonified data to [i]CONFIG_FILE[/i]
 5.5 Close [i]CONFIG_FILE[/i] to flush and save the data

6. Read from FS using JSON format
 6.1 Open [i]CONFIG_FILE[/i] to read
 6.2 Open [i]CONFIG_FILE[/i] to read
 6.3 Populate the just-read Jsonified data into the [i]DynamicJsonDocument json[/i] object
 6.4 Parse the [i]Jsonified[/i] data from the [i]DynamicJsonDocument json[/i] object to store into corresponding parameters
 6.5 Then what to do now

to help you use successfully the Dynamic Parameters in Config Portal

Releases v1.3.0

  1. Add LittleFS support to ESP32-related examples to use LittleFS_esp32 Library
  2. Add Version String

Releases v1.2.0

  1. Restore cpp code besides Impl.h code to use in case of multiple definition linker error.
  2. Fix bug /close does not close the config portal