Ethernet connectivity with MKRZERO+MKR ETH SHIELD

Hi all,

I recently bought the MKR ETH SHIELD + MKRZERO, connected them together through the pins, connected power supply and ethernet cable as in the image.

Right after uploaded the following code in order to get an IP address:

Something is wrong as the IP address that keeps printing in the serial monitor is:

Any thought? Did I use the correct setup/connections/libraries for these very new arduino? Am I'm missing something?

Very new at Arduino world. Thanks a lot.

update the Ethernet library to 2.00. in IDE, menu Sketch > Include library > Manage Libraries

use the examples of the updated library in IDE, menu File, submenu Examples

did you connect the shield to router or switch in a network with DHCP?

I just updated to v2.0, and I'm using the "TelnetClient" example.

Strange thing is, when verifying the code I get error:

TelnetClient:58: error: 'class EthernetClass' has no member named 'hardwareStatus'
if (Ethernet.hardwareStatus() == EthernetNoHardware) {

But looking at here: Arduino Ethernet Library 2.0.0

Seems clear this function exists in v2.0! Actually is a brand new function of this version.

I double checked and now version installed for the Ethernet class is v2.0. Any idea?

I just updated to v2.0, and I'm using the "TelnetClient" example.

Strange thing is, when verifying the code I get error:

TelnetClient:58: error: 'class EthernetClass' has no member named 'hardwareStatus'
if (Ethernet.hardwareStatus() == EthernetNoHardware) {

But looking at here: Arduino Ethernet Library 2.0.0

Seems clear this function exists in v2.0! Actually is a brand new function of this version.

I double checked and now version installed for the Ethernet class is v2.0. Any idea?

You try the example from the IDE Examples menu?

Seems my IDE was loading an old version of the Ethernet library. It is working now, thanks a lot.

Now I have the following doubt. When compiling I get the following warning:

"WARNING: library MFRC522 claims to run on (avr, STM32F1, teensy, esp8266) architecture(s) and may be incompatible with your current board which runs on (samd) architecture(s)."

Any change MFRC522 will work on this board?

Now I have the following doubt. When compiling I get the following warning:

"WARNING: library MFRC522 claims to run on (avr, STM32F1, teensy, esp8266) architecture(s) and may be incompatible with your current board which runs on (samd) architecture(s)."

Any change MFRC522 will work on this board?

no clue
open a new thread

no clue
open a new thread

But only AFTER you have tested, and have some information to share.