Ethernet Shield Coding Question:

Im doing the sample project for a simple http request using the ethernet shield to search google and return results for the word "arduino". I have the IP set up, but I had a question about the MAC address. The mac address is the combo of letters and numbers on the sticker on the back of the shield correct, if it was assigned one? Also, in the sample code it lists the following code for the mac address: 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED. My address is the following: 90 A2 DA 00 6E FD. But i do not recognize the format of the sample code. I was wondering if it was hexidecimal or something, and inquiring if any of you could tell me what the mac address that i put down would be in the format of the sample code.
Thank you for your time,

A mac address is a unique physical chip id, all network adapters should have totally unique mac addresses.

Your example mac address is 0x90, 0xA2, 0xDA, 0x00, 0x6E, 0xFD

The MAC address in the example codes (as on your shield), is in hexadecimal. When we are adding a hexadecimal number to a program, we need to tell the compiler it is a hex code. To do that, we put 0x in front of the number. To make the compiler realise a number is binary, you add B in front of the 1s and 0s. Not sure for octal numbers though...


A mac address is a unique physical chip id, all network adapters should have totally unique mac addresses.

With my w5100 based ethernet shield, the mac address appears to be assigned in the code.

I had the same issue with my Ethernet Shield. I wrote down the MAC address from the board, then just added "0x" before each number to get 0x90, 0xA2, etc. Then copy this new form of the address and paste it into the code where the sample MAC address is. I then typed in in for my IP address (nothing on my home network was even close to this address) and it just worked.