Ethernet Shield powering stepper motor

I am trying to use Ethernet shield to power a stepper motor. The motor I am trying to power is 28byj 5V DC. I was successfully able to power the motor but instead of the knob turning the motor just shakes and vibrates. I powered the motor with an arduino uno and the knob turns. How can do that with the Ethernet shield?

I am trying to use Ethernet shield to power a stepper motor. The motor I am trying to power is 28byj 5V DC. I was successfully able to power the motor but instead of the knob turning the motor just shakes and vibrates. I powered the motor with an arduino uno and the knob turns. How can do that with the Ethernet shield?

I am trying to use Ethernet shield to power a stepper motor.


I was successfully able to power the motor but instead of the knob turning the motor just shakes and vibrates.

The knob? I'm sure that you can see something...

I powered the motor with an arduino uno and the knob turns.

That not good for the Arduino.

How can do that with the Ethernet shield?

You can't. Get over it. Use a real power supply to power ANY motor, but especially high-current stepper motors.

The ethernet shield takes a lot of power, so you probably need to power the stepper motor from an external power supply.

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Your stepper is 50R per winding so its going to use 5/50=0.1A.
I don't think the ethernet POE system will handle a pulsing current like that.
How do you drive the stepper motor?

Can you please post a copy of your circuit, in CAD or a picture of a hand drawn circuit in jpg, png?

Tom..... :slight_smile:

I am trying a 5v stepper motor with the Arduino Ethernet Shield. I have attached the Ethernet shield to my Arduino uno R3. The Ethernet Shield generates 5v of power and the pinout is the same as the Arduino Uno. But when I run my program the motor vibrates but the knob doesn't turn. I tried power the motor with my uno and the Knob turned. I was wondering why won't the Shield turn the Knob.

Here is my code:

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <Stepper.h>

byte mac[] = {.......};
IPAddress ip(191, 167, 2, 12);
byte subnet[] = {254, 254, 254, 1};
byte gateway[] = {193, 167, 2, 4};
EthernetServer server(23);
Stepper motor(200, 8, 9, 10, 11);

void setup() {
Ethernet.begin(mac, ip, gateway, subnet);

void loop() {
EthernetClient client = server.available(); 

I have connected the stepper motor to a motor driver:
INP1 connects to pin 8 on Ethernet Shield
INP2 connects to pin 9 on Ethernet Shield
INP3 connects to pin 10 on Ethernet Shield
INP4 connects to pin 11 on Ethernet Shield
grnd connects to grnd pin on Ethernet Shield
vcc connects to 5v pin on Ethernet Shield

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