Ethernet shield

Hallo forum,
can i ask you something ?

I have arduino mega connected on 12V 2A adapter with computer conector and i connected ethernet shield on it and then arduino TFT display board model ROBOT LCD. There is the problem, that when display is connected, ethernet shield wont boot ... Ca you help ?

how have you connected the ROBOT LCD? could there be conflicts between its control lines and the Ethernet shield?
does the Arduino have sufficient power for both?

yea, connected.i dont know, but i dont think there is any conflict, because when i delete tft begin, ethernet shield wont work, but after i dissconnect 5V pin ... i’m using adapter 12V 5A and i dont know why it dont work

try to identify the problem - first make sure both devices work independently

  1. if you just plug in the ethernet shield by itself does it work OK?
  2. if you just plug in the LCD shield by itself does it work OK?

then assuming all OK what happens if the ethernet is working Ok by itself and you plug in the LCD (no change in software) ? does ethernet stop working?

If i connect on arduino only ethernet, works.
If i connect on arduino TFT display, works.
When i connect both of them on arduino, display works, ethernet shield not ... when i first initialize ethernet shield, nothing works.

it is probably conflicts between the LCD control lines and the Ethernet shield
if this is the Ethernet shield you are using

the TECH SPECS link gives detials of the pins used

could you give details of the LCD shield you are using?

Eth shield:

Lcd:Accessories — Arduino Official Store
I dont have any pin connected on pins, that using ethenet shield. just 5V

Fixed ... disconnected miso pin from D50 and all works fije