ethernet web client


i have use the example webclient repeting! and works ok! but
when repeats 5-10 times then freezes for 5 sec and continues

why is this??

is any way to have smooth repeating?

i repeat every 3 sec

why is this??

Where is the code YOU are running?

i repeat every 3 sec

You repeat what every 3 seconds?

Is your shift key broken?

im reading a mysql fields throo php scripts and i wand fas update but if i change the time to 10 -20 sec agen after 5-10 requests frezes and starts agen

Here is the repeating web client code I run. It doesn't fail. The few second hang could be caused by several things.

ok thanks il try when i go home, thanks verry much

Guys all ok with client, I have one more problem, when il try to read from webpage some fields is with Greek characters, and the arduino reads wrong characters, so, is any solution to support Greek chats????