Ethrenet shield doesn't respond and TX light is not flashing


Does anyone know what's wrong with the my Ethrenet shield? My Ethrenet shield doesn't respond and TX light is not flashing(Never).

I am using a ADK board with a Ethernet Shield W5100.

I connect it to a static ip address. The arduino DNCP address printer printed out the correct ip address.

I am trying to do the web Server example program. I compiled and uploaded it to arduino. I tried to connect it with a browser. Safari say "cannot open the page ,because the server is not responding"

Please see the attached file. I am using Ethernet.begin(mac, ip, dnServer, gateway, subnet);

Webserver.txt (2.79 KB)

Are you living in Australia? That's where your IP is located. If that's your LAN IP, you should change them and use one from the private range.

What IP does the PC have where you're trying to connect to the Arduino from?

The arduino DNCP address printer printed out the correct ip address.

As you're not using DHCP that address is just what you configured and does not mean that you have connectivity to the network.

Can you ping the IP address?

How is the Arduino connected? To a switch, a router, directly to the PC?

Hi pylon,
Actually, I live in UK. I modified something. The ip address in the program is from the DHCP printer.
I have a static ip. So, i just plug my ethernet shield to the wall socket directly. The wall socket is connected to the University's network. I tested the network with the an arduino Yun. It works. I can connect to it via browser. Somehow the Ethernet shield cannot.

When i ping it via terminal,this is what i got "
PING ( 56 data bytes
Request timeout for icmp_seq 0 ....
Request timeout for icmp_seq 46...."

Not responding. :disappointed_relieved:

You are in the UK but you use an official IP of an Australian company? Where did you get that IP from? Does your university provide you with such IPs?

Which DHCP printer? On the Arduino? Your sketch does not do DHCP, so you always get the IP you configured in the code.

Do I understand your network correctly? You connect the Arduino to the wall socket and try to access it from the PC with is connected by WiFi? If your university network operator did he's job that won't work with illegally used IPs. If my guess was wrong, describe the network setup in more detail.

Try this sketch. What ips does it show? Or does it display "failed"?

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>

byte mac[] = {  0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED };

void setup() {

  // disable SD SPI

  Serial.print(F("Starting ethernet..."));
  if(!Ethernet.begin(mac)) Serial.println(F("failed"));
  else {
      Serial.print("IP = ");
      Serial.print("Gateway = ");

void loop() {

Do I understand your network correctly? You connect the Arduino to the wall socket and try to access it from the PC with is connected by WiFi? If your university network operator did he's job that won't work with illegally used IPs. If my guess was wrong, describe the network setup in more detail.

Hi Pylon

You are making a few assumptions there. Whois, shows the address is part of a Class B subnet, belonging to CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation). Indeed, the administrative contact is in Aus but the Commonwealth encompasses both the UK and Aus.

It is some years since I poked around on a campus network but it is not unheard of, for universities to be peered to partners overseas, distributing their Public IP address space across the combined campus, restricting access on routers and firewalls, where required.

@MattS-UK: Thank you, I didn't know that. It sounds kind of special to me that an IP address range that belongs to APNIC could be used in the UK.
In any case we have to know a bit more about the OP's network setup to be able to track down his problems.

Hi Pylon.
You could still be right but just as soon as someone says 'university', I stop making assumptions about what I think the address space should look like. Educational establishments were at the forefront of the Internet's development and their networks sometimes predate, what became the established norms.

I agree, the OP needs to provide more information.

The ip address in the program is from the DHCP printer. I have a static ip.

Is a little contradictory and rather worrying.

Given the network might be a little unusual and the sysadmins may have taken measures to stop students breaking it. I think I might start with a cable connected directly between the PC and the Shield Ethernet ports.