Every second horizontal line of pixels is white

Hi, I am new to arduino and tryed to do following project

When items finaly come and I tried to connect arduino Geekcreit Mega2560 R3 ATMEGA2560-16 from
https://www.banggood.com/ to display Geekcreit 3.2 Inch MEGA2560 Display Module HX8357B 480x320 TFT LCD Screen after instalation of libraries I get something on disaplay, only half of what i wanted. In attachement is foto of result. Every second horizontal line of pixels is white. I dont have another display to test. So did anyone see something like that? Is display bad? Any comments are welcomed.

Can you tell us what library you are using, the one on the Instructables site is for a DUE.

Please post a link to the actual display that you bought. e.g. BangGood sale page

Are you using MEGA2560 or a Due ?

I am sure that everything can be fixed. But we need to know exactly what hardware display you are using.
If you have kept the antistatic envelope that the Shield came in, it probably says which controller.
It is VERY unlikely to be HX8357B in 2020 or 2021.


Can you tell us what library you are using, the one on the Instructables site is for a DUE.

Yes, i am using TFT_HX8357-master.zip from GitHub - Bodmer/TFT_HX8357: Arduino library for HX8357 TFT display

Added report from LCD_ID_readnew.ino from if it helps MCUFRIEND_kbv-master.zip

using MEGA2560, evelop is on 9 tried to remove it but no change.

display.txt (1.79 KB)

Added report from LCD_ID_readnew.ino from if it helps MCUFRIEND_kbv-master.zip

  1. you should install libraries via the IDE Library Manager. and not from a ZIP.
  2. MCUFRIEND_kbv is for read-write displays. Your display is write-only
  3. no one asked you to run LCD_ID_readnew.ino

using MEGA2560, evelop is on 9 tried to remove it but no change.

I don't know what this means.

Please post a link to the actual display that you bought. e.g. BangGood sale page


Didnt know that i should add libraries wia manager. Followed one tutorial showing adding libraries via zip and Arduino instal it.


That was typo. Just saying that removing evelop didnt help.

The link says

Geekcreit 3.2 Inch MEGA2560 Display Module HX8357B 480x320 TFT LCD Screen

Photos of the anti-static envelope in the Customer's images give a part number but do not mention the controller.
I am sceptical that it is a HX8357B. I suggest that you try the other controllers in User_Setup.h and see which is best.

I don't have this display. It is write-only. So you can not read the ID.
I could possibly send you a sketch that differentiates between HX8357-A, HX8357-B, HX8357-C, ILI9481, ILI9486, ... but it is easier for you to just try the controllers supported by Bodmer.

Regarding libraries. It is always wise to install via IDE Library Manager. It knows the official source location. It installs the library in the correct place. It reports the version number. And will update painlessly.

I suggest that you check whether a library is available via the Manager. If it is, delete the ZIP-installed directory. Install properly.

Obviously there are some libraries that are not approved. You have no option. You have to install these via ZIP.


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