This is for information. I have been working with a LoRaWAN provider called Everynet and having difficulties. What we eventually discovered was that our difficulties only occurred when using the MKRWAN_v2 library and associated firmware; when we switched to the earlier MKRWAN library and firmware, the problems disappeared.
The problems that I was observing were twofold:
- When sending data, the original send attempt would fail, and there would be no sign of any communication on Everynet's network. However, the underlying library & firmware would retry every 5 minutes, and these retries would register on Everynet's network (although it would be dissatisfied with them and so not return a success response code, with the result that the MKR would keep retrying every 5 minutes).
- When comms did register, the payload would come through as a single byte of value 0.
I had initially assumed that the _v2 library was simply an updated version of the original, but I realise now that any updates to the original would be checked back into the original's source and released as simply the latest release of the original library. The fact that MKRWAN and MKRWAN_v2 are separate libraries tells me that _v2 is probably a complete rewrite which is more recent and therefore not as well debugged. It does work OK against The Things Stack v3 as hosted on The Things Network, so there is clearly some difference in implementation of the LoRaWAN protocol between TTN and Everynet, but that's not surprising - with the best will in the world there will always be some element of ambiguity in a protocol specification which leads to differences in implementations.
Anyway, there it is for anyone wanting to use either the MKR WAN 1300 or 1310 to talk to Everynet's network - use the MKRWAN library and firmware rather than MKRWAN_v2.