Example for Button "Back/Next" what to show on Display

pls could anybody post a example about two hardwired buttons for the function "Back Display" and "Next Display"?

A while ago I wrote a sketch by myself. But I don't know if it was correct because when I press the button it counted not just +1 but many times. I tried to solve this with another if condition. I would like to know how a professional programmer does it. Many thanks.

Something like that:

void loop() {

if button "back" then $ChoosenSubroutine = -1;
if button "next" then $ChoosenSubroutine = +1;
if ($ChoosenSubroutine) == 1 {subroutine displayInfo1();};
if ($ChoosenSubroutine) == 1 {subroutine displayInfo2();};


That sounds like bounce. When you press a button, it bounces resulting in multiple connects/disconnects before settling in the connected state; it can also happen when you release the button.

Have a look at the debounce example that comes with the IDE.

These examples that are delivered with the IDE do teach

bad programming !

It does not teach good programming

These examples teach how to stuff everything into loop() and does not show how to write code based on functions.

The debounce-example provided by the Arduino-IDE-examples leaves the newcomer scratching his head:
"OK it debounces.... but how do I implement a debounced button into my code?
Writing the rest of my code into inside here??

  if ((millis() - lastDebounceTime) > debounceDelay) {
    // whatever the reading is at, it's been there for longer than the debounce
    // delay, so take it as the actual current state:

    // if the button state has changed:
    if (reading != buttonState) {
      buttonState = reading;

      // only toggle the LED if the new button state is HIGH
      if (buttonState == HIGH) {
        ledState = !ledState;   //<=== show my action be inserted here ?????

my opinion: It is a big timesaver in the long run to invest some more time into explaining the basics of functions and to provide some a bit more advanced examples that make consequent use of functions.
best regards Stefan

do somehting like that

// Setup a new OneButton on pin A1.  
OneButton button(PIN_INPUT, true);

lesson 1:
Posting parts of code is useless. Like explained in the forum how to: If you post a short compileable example the chances are very high someone explains it exactly to your need.

lesson 2:
you got pointed to the debounce example - study the example and try to implement.

lesson 3:
to make things easier in the future, you can use one of several "button" libraries.
I like the "OneButton" library for example.
But learning how to debounce a button "manually" - will raise your programming experience and you can better understand what "Button" libraries are doing in the background.

I assume he/she will step through the 3 lessons and finally write a library on its own.
I'm not a pro, but I have written a simple toolkit which contains debounce buttons.

It has a very simplified "Button" class, but as already explained, learning how to debounce will help you in future.

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