Hi, I just want to know this simple and maybe foolish question.... Why did it names Leonardo ?
Maybe to honor Leonardo Da Vinci? Anything posted on the Leonardo product page?
Leonardo Da Vinci was a very famous Italian maker.
(Arduinos are also Italian.)
Leonardo Da Vinci was a very famous Italian maker.(Arduinos are also Italian.)
Using da Vinci's name is a bit presumptuous
I had assumed it was designed by someone called Leonardo Montalbano or some such.
Using da Vinci's name is a bit presumptuous
To be fair, they didn't actually use the "da Vinci" part.
Using da Vinci's name is a bit presumptuousTo be fair, they didn't actually use the "da Vinci" part.
Sorry for being imprecise.
I should, of course, have said "attempting to make even the tiniest association between the product and Leonardo da Vinci is a bit persumptuous".
Are you a Carl Sagan fan?
@KeithRB +1
Too Funny.. ROFL
I know this one, straight from the horses mouth so to speak.
- it was an Italian name
- even English and Americans could pronounce it.
Look at the earlier names used on this project.
- it was an Italian name
- even English and Americans could pronounce it.
So is "Mario" (...and "Luigi")
Yes but they are somewhat taken by the big boys.
And plumbers hardly fit a hi-teak image.
Maybe it was meant to be named after di Caprio
I thought it was named after a turtle? Cowabunga dude!
According to Google Research, Leonardo is the 8th ranked boy's name in Italy, so there are probably nearly 1 million Italians called Leonardo. I am quite sure no disrespect was intended to Leonardo Da Vinci!
If it had been developed in the UK, it may well have been called the Arduino Steven.