existentialist question: why arduino leonardo Takes that name?

Hi, I just want to know this simple and maybe foolish question.... Why did it names Leonardo ?

Maybe to honor Leonardo Da Vinci? Anything posted on the Leonardo product page?

Leonardo Da Vinci was a very famous Italian maker.

(Arduinos are also Italian.)

Leonardo Da Vinci was a very famous Italian maker.

(Arduinos are also Italian.)

Using da Vinci's name is a bit presumptuous

I had assumed it was designed by someone called Leonardo Montalbano or some such.


Using da Vinci's name is a bit presumptuous

To be fair, they didn't actually use the "da Vinci" part.


Using da Vinci's name is a bit presumptuous

To be fair, they didn't actually use the "da Vinci" part.

Sorry for being imprecise.

I should, of course, have said "attempting to make even the tiniest association between the product and Leonardo da Vinci is a bit persumptuous".


Are you a Carl Sagan fan?

@KeithRB +1
Too Funny.. ROFL


I know this one, straight from the horses mouth so to speak.

  1. it was an Italian name
  2. even English and Americans could pronounce it.

Look at the earlier names used on this project.


  1. it was an Italian name
  2. even English and Americans could pronounce it.

So is "Mario" (...and "Luigi")

Yes but they are somewhat taken by the big boys.

And plumbers hardly fit a hi-teak image.

Maybe it was meant to be named after di Caprio

I thought it was named after a turtle? Cowabunga dude!

According to Google Research, Leonardo is the 8th ranked boy's name in Italy, so there are probably nearly 1 million Italians called Leonardo. I am quite sure no disrespect was intended to Leonardo Da Vinci!

If it had been developed in the UK, it may well have been called the Arduino Steven.