Expandir I/O Digital y PWM

Hola de antemano muchas gracias por hacer posible este foro en español.

Estoy iniciandome en el tema del Arduino tengo el Mega que es el que más salidas y entradas tiene....pero mi proyecto es demasiado ambicioso.....por lo que necesitaría muchas más (salidas y entradas digitales) & (señales PWM para servos)

Mi pregunta ¿cuanto es el máximo que se puede obtener en Arduino para (entradas y salidas digitales) & (señales PWM para servos)?

Caso de respuestas...que shield me aconsejan para ampliar patillas? (I/O digital) & (PWM servo)?

Un millón de gracias.

I'm afraid this is an English language forum, but I translated your question using google translate

Hi thank you very much in advance for making this forum in Spanish.

I am initiating me into the theme I have the Arduino Mega which is what has more outputs and inputs .... but my project is too ambitious ..... and they would need many more (digital inputs and outputs) & (PWM signals servo)

My question is how much the maximum you can get in for Arduino (inputs and outputs) & (PWM servo signals)?

Answers ... if you advise me to expand shield pin? (I / O digital) & (PWM servo)?

Thanks a million.

Please use a something like Google translate if you want to post to this section,

How many inputs and outputs do you need ?

Please specify what types of inputs an outputs e.g. Analog, Digital, PWM etc

Hello Good morning, I always speak in English.

I apologize :slight_smile:

In my final project I need to move (50 servo PWM), (200 inputs and 200 digital outputs).

For now everything is perfect as it only use 4 drives, 10 inputs and 10 digital outputs.

But I think in the future and I need to expand the possibilities of my Arduino Mega.

For that reason I ask for help to you.

I found these two shield.

To enlarge the number of servomotor:

To zoom digital signals:

For all these reasons I consult experts like you:

What shield is best suited to extend the possibilities for Arduino (PWM servo signals) and (digital signals)?

thank you very much

:slight_smile: And good day.

I very much doubt you will be able to find any off the shelf hardware that will do this.

I suspect that whatever you are doing is probably going to take more CPU power than a 16Mhz device is capable of delivering

You should probably consider the Arduino Due or a Raspberry Pi or BeagleBone black which have more CPU speed

And design you own custom hardware to handle those 200 digital inputs, 200 digital outputs and 50 PWM outputs.

or a Raspberry Pi or BeagleBone black which have more CPU speed

True but they use Linux which is just rubbish for anything real time like controlling 50 servos.

I suspect there are ways to run some sort of Real Time. Operating system on the RPI or BBB

Yes it is called RISC OS and it is not a form of Linux at all. :slight_smile: