This is my first post so I'm hoping this isn't a stupid question.
Also I'm very new to programming, this is my first experience with the Arduino.
I've tried everything I can think of, and I've looked through all of the squiggly brackets, but I keep getting the error message "expected '}' at end of input, and the last line of code is highlighted in red.
Any help?
//Max and min for random numbers
int max = 8;
int min = 1;
//amount of times bounced
int bounces = 0;
// A variable to set a time between LEDs in milliseconds
int delayTime = 40;
// A variable to choose the LED
int currentLED = 4;
// Choosing the direction of travel
int dir = 1;
// A variable to say how long it's been since we changed something
long timeChanged = 0;
// An array to hold the value for each LED pin
byte ledPin[] = {4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12};
void setup() {
#include <Entropy.h>
int rannumber = Entropy.random(9);
//set all pins for OUTPUT
for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
pinMode(ledPin[1], OUTPUT);
// Record the time once the setup has completed
timeChanged = millis();
void loop() {
// Check wether it has been long enough
if ((millis() - timeChanged) > delayTime) {
//turn off all the LEDs
for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
digitalWrite(ledPin*, LOW);*
- }*
- //Light the current LED*
- digitalWrite(ledPin[currentLED], HIGH);*
- // Increase the direction value (up or down)*
- currentLED = currentLED + dir;*
- // If we're at the end of the row, change the direction*
- if (currentLED == 8) {*
- dir = -1;*
- bounces = bounces + 1;*
- }*
- if (currentLED == 1) {*
- dir = 1;*
- bounces = bounces + 1;*
- }*
- // Store the current time as we last changed LEDs*
- timeChanged = millis();*
- }*
delayTime = analogRead(0);
delay(5); - if (bounces == 5) {*
- if (currentLED == rannumber){*
- delayTime = 999999999;*
- }*
- }*