expected signature of ATmega328P is 1E 95 0F (solved)

I tried to build a personal pcb with an ATMEGA328. I didn't pay attention between the atmega328P and atmega328-AU believed that only the footprint changed.
I found a solution to edit the "avrdude.conf" file.
But this was boring due to the fact that i was programming an actual Arduino an my board continuously. I was forced to edit and edit the file again.

I found finally an new solution: create a "new arduno nano" in my "boards.txt" file.

I did it by adding :

Arduino Nano w/ ATmega328 (without a "P")


nano.menu.cpu.atmega328x=ATmega328 (autre MCU)




just before the arduino nano w/ATmega168

As a programmer, I use an Arduino Uno "as ISP"

You can find it here

I hope this will help

You can also just install GitHub - MCUdude/MiniCore: Arduino hardware package for ATmega8, ATmega48, ATmega88, ATmega168, ATmega328 and ATmega328PB

It adds support for the all the '328-like parts (including not-P, P, and PB) (and also gives you a bunch of other useful options too >.>)