I honestly can't figure out whether it's bluetooth or Wifi, but all I know is that it does serial communication wirelessly. And I might be getting one if it does what I want it to. I can upload code and receive feedback from my Arduino with an Xbee setup right? And would I need anything for my computer to communicate with it?
It's an FCC Part 15 (no license needed) radio device typically operating in the 900MHz band that can be used to form a mesh network. Typically for Arduino use, you can use a pair of them set to the same address to create a wireless serial link. They have quite a few more features, but this is the simplest use.
This might give you a little more information Xbee Adapter User Manual
Rob Faludi explains how to use it as a programming link Rob Faludi ITP: XBee ZigBee
I transmits using Radio Waves (RF device)...
I can upload code
No, you need code to drive the Xbee.
To upload code to it the boot loader would have to know how to drive the Xbee, and it doesn't.
Hey Grumpy Mike,
Check this out... XBee Programming Arduino Wirelessly