ExpLoRer board : Error when verify Flash with AS7 (ATSAMD21J18A)

Hello all,

(sorry for my frenglish) ::slight_smile:

I'm currently experiencing a problem with the ExpLoRer board from SODAQ, it has a microcontroller SAMD21J18A.

First of all, I want to point out that the serial port of the card doesn't appear on the computer anymore, so I try to flash the microcontroller to check what happens. The card is powered by the USB cable.

I would like to program the board in C from Atmel Studio without using the Arduino IDE.
The only problem is that it doesn't work.. In this example I only use the bootloader .hex from the samd21 ExpLoRer.

I can still generate the program but I can't verify it .. (return the address 0xFF) :

Verifying Flash...Failed! address=0x0000 expected=0xfc actual=0xff

I can read registers but the program doesn't want to flash with the .hex file.

Have you ever experienced this problem and do you have any solutions?

Best regards,



I am seeing the same issue. Have you found a solution?