I have a project in Atmel Studio 7 that I have written for a custom board with a SAMD21 micro.
I started by importing arduino sketch and tried to keep the structure of the project arduino friendly.
I want to pass this Project on to a customer who is not familiar with coding but he has a grasp of the Arduino IDE. Is it possible to pack up the project and export it as ino so the customer can tinker with the code?
Ideally the .ino would only contain the code they can play with and the rest would be hidden in the inculde file?
Is there an easy way to do this or I need to rewrite the code in Arduino IDE and the make all custom board files and a library?
Simply not enough information to answer your question.
You need a custom board file if your custom board is not compatible with an Arduino Due.
You can compile a program for the SAMD21 in the Arduino IDE almost unchanged but the customer probably won't be able to understand it or make substantial changes. So why even convert it into an Arduino IDE project?
A ino file is simply a C++ source file where some glue code is added by the IDE if it's structured correctly. If that structure is missing it's the source file containing the main() function and no glue code is added. So making your project compile on the Arduino IDE is relatively straight-forward but converting it to an Arduino project (using the Arduino framework) is probably a much bigger task.
Yes in need custom board profile, and it Atmel Studio 7 this is restively easy to accomplish, just start with and normal Arduino Zero sketch and simply change the varian.h and variant.cpp to get access to all my pins.
AS7 creates sketch.cpp file but that alone doesn't have enough information for the code to work, as you said to make it work i need to extract and make all the supporting files in to arduino libraries, as well as create a custom board pack...
Another alternative that would save me time doing this, would be programming the board using AS7 using the native USB on the arduino board....
My goal is to deliver the project to the customer who then can tune the code and doesn't need to have specialized equipment (e.g a JTAG)...
My goal is to deliver the project to the customer who then can tune the code and doesn't need to have specialized equipment (e.g a JTAG)...
It might have been a good idea to think about that before starting the project with AS7.
Another alternative that would save me time doing this, would be programming the board using AS7 using the native USB on the arduino board....
I thought the board is a custom board not compatible with the Due. Which Arduino board are we talking about?
es in need custom board profile, and it Atmel Studio 7 this is restively easy to accomplish, just start with and normal Arduino Zero sketch and simply change the varian.h and variant.cpp to get access to all my pins.
That's similar in the Arduino world but in addition to a variants file you have to modify the boards.txt to add the necessary entries.