External ADC

Hello all!

Can anyone tell me that whether I can use the external fast adc with arduino nano board. The adc can be seen through tha link below. I saw that there are almost 16 pins are required to interface it with arduino and in our nano board we have only 14 digital pins so can we still interface it with arduino somehow, please let me know about it


You might do better to look for something that gives its output in serial rather than parallel. Or use a parallel in-serial out shift register. Then you won't eat up so many pins.

You need to drive CONVST, RD and read EOC + 8 data lines = 11 pins. The PD and CS pins can be permanently enabled to save pins. Note these signals are active-low.

If you can cope with lower conversion speeds, a serial ADC like the MCP3204/3208 would only need 4 pins (and can read 4 or 8 channels at 12bit resolution).