External & internal PSRAM?

I have an ESP32-S3 board which has 2MB embedded PSRAM (S3R2).
If I solder a PSRAM64H chip onto this empty pad, how would I use the external PSRAM in Arduino IDE, and what would happen to the internal/embedded 2MB PSRAM?

Sorry I am not familiar with PSRAM (Pseudo Static RAM) but here are some links that may help: arduino-esp32/cores/esp32/esp32-hal-psram.c at master · espressif/arduino-esp32 · GitHub

With only 8 pins that has to be a serial device, probably SPI. I use something that may be similar it is called FRAM, it is like EEPROM and remembers when power is turned off but it writes at processor speed (no delays) and can do over a billlion writes. Let us know how your project works out.

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