External Interrupt not working on 3.3V atmega168

I made a 3.3V board and I've put both atmega328p (that I pulled off of a 3.3V pro mini), and an atmega168 that I bootloaded (using USBtinyISP whilst selecting board "Arduino Pro or Pro Mini" and "atmega168 (3.3V, 8MHz") .

Everything works perfectly with the atmega328 - code works and interrupts do as well - which function to pull the Arduino out of sleep when INT0 rises.

However on the Atmega168, the interrupt doesn't seem to work. All the normal code works as expected (communications, instructions etc), just not the interrupt. After the Arduino goes to sleep, I can't wake it since the interrupt isn't working.

Basic code below:

#include <avr/sleep.h>//this AVR library contains the methods that controls the sleep modes

byte interruptPin = 2; //Turn board on/off
unsigned long shutDownTimer = 0; // Timer for shutdown

void setup() {
  pinMode(interruptPin, INPUT); //Set pin d2 to input using the buildin pullup resistor


void loop() {

  // Shutdown control
  if (digitalRead(interruptPin) == LOW ) {
    Serial.println("Shutdown detected");
    shutDownTimer = millis();
    while (digitalRead(interruptPin) == LOW ) {
      if (millis() - shutDownTimer > 1000) {
        Serial.println("sleep mode triggered");

void Going_To_Sleep() {
  sleep_enable();//Enabling sleep mode
  set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN);//Setting the sleep mode, in our case full sleep
  delay(1000); //wait a second to allow the led to be turned off before going to sleep
  attachInterrupt(0, wakeUp, RISING);//attaching a interrupt to pin d2

  Serial.println("Interrrupt attached");//Print message to serial monitor
  sleep_cpu();//activating sleep mode
  Serial.println("just woke up!");//next line of code executed after the interrupt


void wakeUp() {
  sleep_disable();//Disable sleep mode
  detachInterrupt(0); //Removes the interrupt from pin 2;
  Serial.println("Interrrupt Fired - wakeup");//Print message to serial monitor


Instead of using "attachInterrupt(0, wakeUp, RISING);" Ive also tried the following which also don't work:

attachInterrupt(INT0, wakeUp, RISING);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(interruptPin), wakeUp, RISING);
attachInterrupt(32, wakeUp, RISING);  //since its the pin of the chip? Hail Mary
attachInterrupt(2, wakeUp, RISING);  //obviously this won't work, Hail Mary 2

I have no idea why the interrupts aren't working. I have an inkling it might be due to something fuse related within the boot loader, but I don't really understand things at that level (Though I'm happy to dive in with some guidance). Any guidance will be appreciated!

It's rather interesting that this code works on the ATmega328p because according to the datasheet a wake-up from power down sleep state is triggered only for level interrupts. So a rising edge interrupt won't wake the Arduino.

Its been a while, so I forgot exactly what it was. But the 168 is actually slightly different than the 328.

If my memory serves me correctly, the 328 interrupt features wake up on rising, while the 168 does not.

I had to go with a 328 in the end to make it work. But the code did work.

That's contrary to what the datasheet says. I never tried it though because I usually trust the information in datasheets.

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